Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Fund was introduced in April 2011 and paid to local authorities by a grant based on the January census figures for pupils registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) in Reception to Year 11. It is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for FSM in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. Currently, for each FSM pupil and looked after child, a school receives £1345.
Please register your child if you are eligible using the easy online facility which has been launched by Hampshire County Council Catering Services (HC3S). You can now check your eligibility for FSM. This self-service option is available at: www.hants.gov.uk/caterers/hc3s-freeschoolmeals.
In April 2012, the Government widened the coverage of the Premium to include those eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure). Schools decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since it is recognised that they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. The Service Children Premium is £310. This is to support their emotional and social well-being. The Ministry of Defence has extended the Service Children Premium to include children whose parent has left the service up to three years ago, this is known as Ever 3. Please inform the school if one parent is in the services or has been in the last three years.
Since September 2012, schools have been required to publish online information about how they have used the Premium and the impact it has had. This is to ensure that parents and others are fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium. This information includes:
- The level of pupil premium funding received by the school in the current academic year and levels of funding received in previous academic years.
- How the school has spent the pupil premium and why it has decided to spend it in the way it has.
- Any differences made to the learning and progress of pupils eligible for the pupil premium as shown by performance data and evidence.
“The very best school systems in the world intervene at the level of the individual student, developing processes and structures within schools that are able to identify whenever a student is starting to fall behind, and then intervening to improve that child’s performance.”
— McKinsey 2007
We have used published research and guidance to ensure we are developing a model of best practice. This research included;
- ‘The Pupil Premium; How Schools are spending the funding successfully to maximise achievement’ (Ofsted)
- ‘The Pupil Premium; Analysis and Challenge Tools for Schools’ (Ofsted)
- ‘The Pupil Premium - How schools are using the Pupil Premium funding to raise achievement for disadvantaged pupils’ (Ofsted)
At Dever Valley Federation we believe every child is entitled to learn free from deprivation and disadvantage, where birth and social background do not impact on them achieving their potential. By knowing each and every individual child and accurately identifying their barriers to learning we are able to secure high levels of attainment irrespective of life outside the classroom.
There are a number of families not eligible for FSM who live on very low incomes and face the same challenges as those families identified as FSM. We also have a number of families known to be eligible who prefer not to register. By creating a climate where all staff are committed to finding solutions for every child’s needs and poor attainment is unacceptable, in any context, we are able to deliver achievement for all.
Click here for our pupil premium intent statement for 2023-2024
Click here for our pupil premium intent statement for 2022-2023
Click here for our pupil premium intent statement for 2021-2022
Click here for our pupil premium intent statement for 2020-2021
Click here for our pupil premium impact statement for 2019-2020